Sunday, October 9, 2011

Praying and Waiting...

I always pray for someone who deserves everything i do and all my efforts for him will be worth it.
I just want to find someone like me. Someone when I'm with him i feel cozy and safe.
Someone who will never force me to become somebody else 'cause for him "he likes me just the way i am"
Someday i'll find you. Someday everything is going to be fine. 
I'll pray for that day to come..

Whoever you are...

 I will always be here PRAYiNG and WAiTiNG...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I totally relate

You wonder why I always hesitate to hit you up? Because I need to feel wanted by you. I know if you miss me, you would be the first to start a conversation. When we’re not talking, you have no idea how much I think of you but I don’t want to become a bother, so I just hold in that gusty feeling. I honestly do hate experiencing the wait. Sometimes I wish I could just get a glance of your mind, to see if you feel the same.