Sunday, October 9, 2011

Praying and Waiting...

I always pray for someone who deserves everything i do and all my efforts for him will be worth it.
I just want to find someone like me. Someone when I'm with him i feel cozy and safe.
Someone who will never force me to become somebody else 'cause for him "he likes me just the way i am"
Someday i'll find you. Someday everything is going to be fine. 
I'll pray for that day to come..

Whoever you are...

 I will always be here PRAYiNG and WAiTiNG...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I totally relate

You wonder why I always hesitate to hit you up? Because I need to feel wanted by you. I know if you miss me, you would be the first to start a conversation. When we’re not talking, you have no idea how much I think of you but I don’t want to become a bother, so I just hold in that gusty feeling. I honestly do hate experiencing the wait. Sometimes I wish I could just get a glance of your mind, to see if you feel the same.

what should i do?

 pretend as if I’m over us but reality is telling me otherwise. Honestly, I still check up on your page every day to see how you’re doing, who you’re talking to or if you happen to miss me too. I still get the urge to try and talk to you, but I always stop myself because I would rather not be a bother. I admit I would of done things differently if I could turn back the hands of time, because you’re still holding me back.



It’s great having that one person that you know you can count on. That one person who you know you can go to in times of need, and you share all of your secrets, stories and problems with them. It’s that someone who provides you comfort with just their present, they don’t necessarily have to be your best friend or a close friend, but just someone who’s never left your side, someone who you feel comfortable with.


i wanna eat ferrero rocher everyday. fave chocolate evah :)


One million memories, Ten thousand inside jokes, One hundred shared secrets One reason, Best friends.

Ms. J'9


Do the Rock star Thing...

oh! It's Polo Ravales

date taken: 9/2/11
where: at royal subic bay
when: ok this is the story it was September 2 2011 in the morning when my high school classmate Tina asked me if we could meet at somewhere in subic bay . it was their science field trip so we have time to meet up. their bus stopped at Royal. so when Tina told me that they are in Royal i rushed to go there(extremely excited)...
Tina and i were strolling around when sunddenly Tina's classmate scream
" is that an actor? is it polo ravales?" (i look at the boy she was talking about) OMG it's POLO RAVALES
he was so fly haha luckily i was prepared my cam on my hand i rushed toward him and asked him if we could take a picture he said yes OMG ... (i called him kuya)

Aside from Tina i saw my other hs classmates Jumong,Ana including Hazel.

Unforgettable <3

DMMMSU students with Polo Ravales...

Tine.Janine.Jumong and ,y nephew Jaira...

I'm OBSESSED with fashion

Girl of The Year

Loving myself
my style is unpredictable it depends on my mood
but it always have edgy or rock stuff ... 


It's hard to determine whether you really have feelings for someone or you are just carried away by the good things they do.

Inspired by : Long distance Relationship

When in a relationship, it’s not about the labels or becoming official. It’s about getting to know someone well enough to develop genuine feelings for them. It’s about being understanding and forgiving when situations are at their worst. It’s about loving someone, not for what they have to offer but who they are. It’s never about blaming your significant other for not treating you like how you want to be treated, it’s about how hard they try to keep you happy.

Sometimes I wish I could just fast forward through time just to see if it's all worth it in the end...